UH Cougars Athletic Alliance

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Welcome To UH Cougars Athletic Alliance!

The UH Cougars Athletic Alliance mission is to strengthen the relationship among and between alumni, students, and former athletes of the University of Houston.

To unify and build a coalition of supporters whose goal is to increase resources for the University and the community.

Uhcaa Is Dedicated To:

  • uniting and reuniting former athletes, alumni, and friends
  • promoting the legacy of athletes
  • bridging transitions for student-athletes
  • advancing the interests of the University of Houston and the community

UH Cougars Athletic Alliance Board Members (2022-2023):

  • Executive Board:
  • President: Seante Johnson (’14)
  • Vice President: Vacant
  • Treasurer: James Holmes (’86)
  • Secretary: Yolanda Williams
  • Parliamentarian: Vacant
  • At Large Board Members:
  • Sharon Spillman (’97, M.ed 03′, Ed.d ’11)
  • Demetrius Pearson (’90 Ed.d)
  • Jerald Bass (’01)
  • Kimmy Watson (’84)
  • Kevan Brewster (’82)

Events And Scholarships

UHCAA 18th Annual Golf Challenge

Join us at Riverbend Country Club, July 29, 2024 to participate in our Annual Golf Tournament supporting the students of University of Houston.

Follow the following link to register today: https://giving.uh.edu/2024-caa-golf-tournament

UHCAA Food Donations

We are proud to announce that UHCAA contributed over $1,500 in funds and food items towards the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Thanksgiving Service Project to help stock the student pantries at UH and TSU.  Thank YOU for your support in making this effort a success!!   


Uhcaa Toy Drive

Join us for the UHCAA 

Friday, December 20, 2024 

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 am

House of Tiny Treasures, 2323 Francis St., Houston, TX 77004

Join us in celebrating 20 years of spreading joy at the House of Tiny Treasures!

How can you help?  Bring a new and unwrapped toy for ages 6 weeks to 6 years old ($20 limit) to the House of Tiny Treasures (2323 Francis St., Houston, TX 77004)  on Friday, December 20th between 10 – 11am.   See you there!

SEARCH’s House of Tiny Treasures (HTT) is a nationally accredited preschool program that provides developmentally focused early childhood education to children, aged 2 – 5 years, who have experienced homelessness.  HTT is dedicated to serving children whose families are or recently have been homeless. Nutritious meals, education, and intensive art, play, and speech therapy address students’ needs and prepare them to be successful in kindergarten and beyond. By investing in these at‐risk children, HTT strives to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness. The center is one of many programs provided by SEARCH, an organization solely focused on serving Houston homeless by providing critical support services.

For more information visit https://www.searchhomeless.org//?s=house+of+tiny+treasures

Annual Meeting

Check back next August for details about our Annual Meeting.

Football Tailgates

past scholarship recipients

UH Cougars Athletic Alliance Scholarships

UHCAA would like to congratulate deserving students awarded $11,500 in scholarships for the 2020-2021 school year.

Meritorious Scholarship Award: $3,000

Coach Elmer Redd Memorial Award:

Corbin Foster

UHCAA Past Presidential Award:

Oluwapelumi Esther Akinwande

Academic Achievement Scholarship Award: $2,000

Jerry Tristan

African American Initiative for Scholarships: $1500

Jordan Pemberton

Board of Director’s Scholarship Award: $1000.00

Ericka Mitchell

Special Donor Book Award: $500.00

Nhi Tran

Mututwa Mututwa

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